Healing Energy To Bussiness


When you think of Energy Healing you usually think of healing the body. You see a vision of a Healer working over the body of the client doing their thing. But it can be used for anything you can imagine…even your business!

Healer are specifically attuned to take in the Healing (or universal) energy. They are, essentially, just a conduit, a channel, of the Healing Energy. They take in the energy and then transfer it to their client. The Healing Energy is an intelligent energy and knows where to go to be of benefit. This is healing on many levels and can be very powerful indeed. It can help to balance our own energetic systems and realign our energy field. As everything is Energy everything can be affected at an energetic level.

Money is an Energy too, just like everything else and we have to keep our energy clean as much as we can!




Running your own business can be stressful at the best of times so you want the atmosphere of your work place to uplift you rather than bring you down or drain your energy. The energy of your company is created not just by your marketing and brand promotion but also by the thoughts and emotions of you and your employees and the vibrations you create will affect the way your customers feel about you.

Have you ever walked into a room and for seemingly no reason felt uncomfortable, awkward or creeped out?

This is because of the negative energy that exists in that room.

We are all made up of Energy so every person who has ever been in your business location leaves behind some of that energy. So all the bad moods, unhappiness, sadness and anger held by those individuals when they were present in your business, lingers on in your business location. This also includes any negativity from previous owners of your property. This negative energy may cause your business to have financial difficulties, organizational challenges, and employee conflicts. It may also cause you and your staff to experience ill health, emotional outbursts, unclear thinking, indecisiveness, and ineffectiveness.