Distance Crystal and Energy Chakra Healing


If you are out of balance, you will know it immediately! Your clues include you feel awful, depressed, or something is not right, and no one wants to be with you.

Most people don’t know why they feel sad. It can start off with an empty feeling; sometimes in the heart or the stomach, then it spreads throughout the body. There may be days you feel like you can’t get out of bed. After a long time of not addressing the emptiness, these feelings can become seeds of illnesses.

I will use tools such as crystals and send distance healing energy to clear blockages from all your Chakras. When your chakras are in balance, you just feel good. You feel balanced, relaxed, whole, healthy and light. You feel everything in your life is going well for you. All or most of your projects will flow the way you like.

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How do I know if my chakras are OUT of balance or in need of healing?

If you are out of balance, you will know it immediately! Your clues include you feel awful, depressed, or something is not right, and no one wants to be with you.

Most people don’t know why they feel sad. It can start off with an empty feeling; sometimes in the heart or the stomach, then it spreads throughout the body. There may be days you feel like you can’t get out of bed. After a long time of not addressing the emptiness, these feelings can become seeds of illnesses.

Are you in a bad mood lately? Are close friends and colleagues asking, “What’s wrong with you?” Do you feel clumsy, forgetful or jinxed? Are you having difficulty making decisions? Are you attracting negative people and situations? It’s very likely that your chakras are out of balance.

When your chakras are in balance, you just feel good. You feel balanced, relaxed, whole, healthy and light. You feel everything in your life is going well for you. All or most of your projects will flow the way you like.

Everyone associated with you, either professionally or personally, is attracted to your energy and wants to be with you. In some cases, you are the life of the party, and everyone seeks your company. You are a “people magnet” because you radiate such positive energy that people want to be with you.

Chakras regulate energy flow from Source through the energy body, into and through the physical body and back out to the universe. Chakra balancing encourages appropriate emotional responses to life events and helps us to better navigate day-to-day occurrences.

Some issues helped by chakra balancing and clearing may include:

  • Money, Relationships and Inner child
  • Personal power and self-esteem
  • Love and trust
  • Forgiveness
  • Enlightenment
  • Discovering life purpose and mission


I will use tools such as crystals and send distance healing energy to clear blockages from all your Chakras.


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